Quantitative fixed point cleaning and easy to use
Save cleaning fluid
Ergonomic grip design
Comfortable grip and less effort
Due to the different batches and measurement methods, the data has a slight error.
Size: 12.5cm*5.5cm (there is a slight error in manual measurement)
Material: ABS
Color as shown
Package Content:
1 x Brush
V***a –
Everything is super, looks like in the photo
P***r –
Goods consistent with the description. Not yet próbowałam but looks that everything is OK.
K***r –
pretty effective.
U***e –
Very good product. I Recommend!! Thank you!!*
V***y –
Very long delivery
K***k –
заказал 16.06.20 получил 06.07.20 доставка в г.Улан-Удэ

пришло в пупырчатой плёнке, пришло розового цвета(почему то), банка для моющей жидкости течёт за это снял звезду, но открыл спорт вернули деньги.
V***n –
good seller
B***r –
Friend Good Goods
H***a –
Defective but should have been manufacturing. Open dispute and was done immediately refund without any obstacles.
S***s –
все отлично,я довольна.
I***y –
Щетина жесткая, хорошо подойдет для кастрюль и прочей габаритной утвари, а вот кружки и тарелки мыть лучше губкой. Взял для отмывки гриля, справляется на 5+
I***n –
Received before time
G***e –
Bonjour bien reçu merci
I***k –
Действительно удобная в использовании вещь.

B***e –
Z***a –
The product was ordered 17-06-2020. arrived 26-08-2020. traveled 70 days. The brush is soft, OK everything, … I recommend the product !!! … I am very satisfied and my most sincere recommendation for cooperation with this seller, thank you and a big greeting from Serbia
Proizvod je naručen 17-06-2020. stigao 26-08-2020. putovao 70 dana. Četka je mekša, nije tvrda, OK sve, … Preporučujem proizvod !!! … Prezadovoljan sam i moja najiskrenija preporuka za saradnju sa ovim prodavcem, zahvaljujem i veliki pozdrav iz Srbije

B***M –
Amazing delivery to Lithuania come for 7days.
C***u –
merci bonne Qualité
N***z –
כמו בתמונה, עוד לא ניסיתי
S***a –
All right, it works perfectly.
T***D –
S***a –
K***r –
B***t –
Just received 2 pieces, in deviating colors.
J***O –
It came with a part of the bristles of the crushed brush, let's wait and see if they straighten out and work well. It does not work with the liquid detergent for earthenware we use; he touched stirring it with water because it wasn't thick.
S***a –
Good product

B***s –

P***c –

N***n –
Contente de mon achat
M***m –
received in Canada 3 months

D***e –
Cleans well, but the washing liquid leaks on its own…
M***a –
A***s –
With dense means almost does not function
S***s –

Z***a –
The product was ordered 16-10-2020. and arrived quickly 13-11-2020. traveled 28 days. The brush is softer, and I ordered one for my sister before, the spring rusts, it can be replaced with a similar one and the detergent leaks a bit, but all in all it's OK … I recommend the product !!! … I am very satisfied and my most sincere recommendation for cooperation with this seller, I thank you and a big greeting from Serbia
Proizvod je naručen 16-10-2020. i brzo stigao 13-11-2020. putovao 28 dana. Četkica je mekanija, i mojoj sestri sam pre naručio takvu, opruga zarđa, može da se zameni za sličnu i malo curi deterdžent ali sve u svemu je OK … Preporučujem proizvod !!! … Prezadovoljan sam i moja najiskrenija preporuka za saradnju sa ovim prodavcem, zahvaljujem i veliki pozdrav iz Srbije

E***n –

O***m –
It has arrived and is a great product for use

F***s –
A thing worth such money
T***g –
Totaler Schrott.